Supporting you through the product life-cycle
Every product supplied by us is fully supported, tested and checked prior to shipment. Should you have an issue we will get it resolved immediately by sending a replacement or dispatching the missing items. We provide differing levels of support depending on your requirement these are shown below:
- Phone support
- On-site support
- Remote support
- Spares support
- Regular health checks
- Maintenance support

Phone support
Should you have an issue with any of the products we supply call us on 01256 331614 or email and we will resolve the matter quickly and efficiently.
Cloud Service Support
If you have a cloud service issue or have a question, please complete the form below and we will respond.
On-site support
Initially, we may require remote assistance to diagnose the fault in order to bring the required part or some systems will notify you in advance of an impending failure and we may arrive on-site to swap out the parts before you are aware. If you have an existing contract in place we will come to your site and fix the system with the designated parts.
Remote support
This could be for a remote installation of a software product and happens regularly with international customers or we can fix a broken system using software tools. We have even fixed a system for a large international football team that had inadvertently destroyed their RAID set using engineers from Taiwan. The engineers worked through the night and the next morning everything was up and running for them to continue to broadcast football matches.
Spares support
Sometimes due to geographic issues, a customer will buy the initial equipment and purchase a spares kit, this happened to us when we supplied optical jukeboxes to a former eastern block country and they bought additional drives and power supply units. We have in the past due to the type of customer provided spares kits e.g. an NHS trust and provided power supplies and extra disk drives in order for them to maintain business continuity.
Regular health checks
Every so often a manufacturer will release new software or a firmware update to ensure the product is performing at it’s best and fix any bugs. Sometimes customers forget or don’t have time to install these updates which could affect the performance, integrity and data of the equipment. We can on agreed basis perform these updates when and as required or just perform a system check and report any potential problems that may arise.
We provide differing levels of support on all our products typically these are:
- NDB – Next business day
- NBDO – Next business day on-site
- 5×8 – Normal working hours support
- 5×8 on-site – Same as the above with an engineer on-site
- 24×7 – Available to help whenever you have an issue
- 24×7 on-site – Same as the above with an engineer on-site
- 1, 3 or 5-year support contracts are available
- Or something else
You can be assured that the people you deal with regarding your support query have actually seen or worked with the equipment before and won’t turn up with a screwdriver to forcibly remove a jammed LTO tape in a drive.
Please contact us using the details below for a solution that works for you.